Brocade Inventory
A comprehensive list of devices integrated into your Fabric, providing detailed information on model
, firmware
, fan status
, and usage
Brocade Zone
Access detailed information about Zones organized by Fabrics, including their location
and membership name
Brocade Health
Access detailed insights about your Brocade Switch with an intuitive heatmap that highlights faulty devices for quick detection. Ideal for operators and administrators to easily identify alerts and monitor system health.
Collected objects
Diagram illustrating the connections between objects, referred to as relationships
Brocade Switch
Data Name | Type | Description |
Name | Property | The unique name of the switch |
User Friendly Name | Property | A more readable or descriptive name |
Fabric OS version | Property | Version of the Fabric Operating System |
Domain ID | Property | Unique identifier for the switch domain |
Switch Type | Property | The type or category of the switch |
Principal | Property | Indicates if the switch is a principal switch |
Ethernet IPv4 | Property | IPv4 address for Ethernet connectivity |
Ethernet IPv6 | Property | IPv6 address for Ethernet connectivity |
Model | Property | The model of the switch |
Manufacturer | Property | The switch manufacturer |
Sequence number | Property | Manufacturer-assigned sequence number |
Type | Property | General type of the switch |
Manufacturer Plant | Property | The plant where the switch was manufactured |
RND tag | Property | A unique RND (Random Number Data) identifier |
Fibre Channel ID | Property | Unique ID for Fibre Channel |
Fibre Channel ID Hex | Property | Hexadecimal representation of the Fibre ID |
CPU usage | Metric | Percentage of CPU usage |
Memory usage | Metric | Percentage of memory usage |
Flash usage | Metric | Percentage of flash memory usage |
Enabled State | Metric | Indicates if the switch is enabled |
Operational Status | Metric | Current operational status of the switch |
UpTime | Metric | Time the switch has been operational |
Port -> Name | Property | Port name |
Port -> WWN | Property | World Wide Name of the port |
Port -> Port Index | Property | Numerical index of the port |
Port -> Type | Property | Type of the port |
Port -> Authentication | Property | Authentication status of the port |
Port -> Is Enabled State | Property | Indicates if the port is enabled |
Port -> User Friendly Name | Property | Descriptive name for the port |
Port -> Vendor Name | Property | Name of the vendor for the port |
Port -> Vendor OUI | Property | Organizationally Unique Identifier of vendor |
Port -> Vendor PN | Property | Vendor part number for the port |
Port -> Vendor Revision | Property | Vendor revision number |
Port -> Serial Number | Property | Serial number of the port |
Port -> Data Code | Property | Data code for the port |
Port -> Media Form Factor | Property | Physical form factor of the port media |
Port -> Connector | Property | Type of connector used by the port |
Port -> FC Speed | Property | Fibre Channel speed |
Port -> Distance | Property | Maximum distance supported by the port |
Port -> Encoding | Property | Encoding type for the port |
Port -> Speed | Property | Speed of the port |
Port -> Device Port WWN | Property | WWN of the connected device |
Port -> Port Symbolic Name | Property | Symbolic name for the port |
Port -> Node Name | Property | Name of the connected node |
Port -> Node Symbolic Name | Property | Symbolic name for the node |
Port -> Class Of Service | Property | Service class supported by the port |
Port -> FC4 Type | Property | Fibre Channel protocol type |
Port -> FC4 Features | Property | Features of the FC4 protocol |
Port -> Device Port Type | Property | Type of device connected to the port |
Port -> Device Type | Property | Type of connected device |
Port -> Link Speed | Property | Speed of the link |
Port -> Voltage | Metric | Voltage level at the port |
Port -> Current | Metric | Current level at the port |
Port -> Wave Length | Metric | Wavelength of the signal |
Port -> Temperature | Metric | Temperature at the port |
Port -> TX Power | Metric | Transmitted power level |
Port -> RX Power | Metric | Received power level |
Port -> Power On Time | Metric | Time the port has been powered on |
Port -> Max Speed | Metric | Maximum supported speed of the port |
Port -> Operational Status | Metric | Current operational status of the port |
Fan -> Unit number | Property | Unit number of the fan |
Fan -> Operational state | Property | Current operational state of the fan |
Fan -> Air flow direction | Property | Direction of airflow |
Fan -> Part number | Property | Part number of the fan |
Fan -> Serial number | Property | Serial number of the fan |
Fan -> Time alive | Metric | Total operational time |
Fan -> Time awake | Metric | Total time the fan has been active |
Fan -> Power consumption | Metric | Power usage by the fan |
Fan -> Speed | Metric | Speed of the fan |
Power Supply -> Unit number | Property | Unit number of the power supply |
Power Supply -> Air flow direction | Property | Direction of airflow for the power supply |
Power Supply -> Power source | Property | Power source type |
Power Supply -> Operational state | Property | Operational state of the power supply |
Power Supply -> Temperature sensor supported | Property | Indicates if temp sensors are supported |
Power Supply -> Part number | Property | Part number of the power supply |
Power Supply -> Serial number | Property | Serial number of the power supply |
Power Supply -> Time alive | Metric | Total operational time |
Power Supply -> Time awake | Metric | Total time active |
Power Supply -> Power production | Metric | Power generated |
Power Supply -> Input voltage | Metric | Input voltage level |
Power Supply -> Temperature | Metric | Temperature of the power supply |
Power Supply -> Power usage | Metric | Power consumed |
Sensor -> Slot Number | Property | Slot number of the sensor |
Sensor -> Index | Property | Index number of the sensor |
Sensor -> State | Property | Current state of the sensor |
Sensor -> Category | Property | Category/type of sensor |
Sensor -> Temperature | Metric | Temperature measured by the sensor |
Brocade Chassis
Data Name | Type | Description |
User Friendly Name | Property | User-friendly name of the chassis |
Chassis WWN | Property | World Wide Name of the chassis |
License ID | Property | License identifier for the chassis |
Serial Number | Property | Serial number of the chassis |
Manufacturer | Property | Manufacturer of the chassis |
Part Number | Property | Part number of the chassis |
Supplier Serial Number | Property | Supplier's serial number for the chassis |
Supplier Revision Number | Property | Supplier's revision number for the chassis |
Supplier Part Number | Property | Supplier's part number for the chassis |
Product Name | Property | Product name associated with the chassis |
Brocade Fabric
Data Name | Type | Description |
Member Count | Metric | Number of members in the fabric |
Name | Property | Name of the fabric |
Members -> Name | Property | Name of the fabric members |
Zone -> Zone configuration name | Property | Zone configuration name in the fabric |
Zone -> Member Count | Property | Member count of the fabric |
Zone -> Members -> Name | Property | Zone member name |
The following alerts are defined by the Management Pack, providing real-time monitoring and insights into the health of Brocade Switch elements:
Temperature Alerts
- High Temperature: Brocade Switch element's temperature is at a high level.
- Low Temperature: Brocade Switch element's temperature is at a low level.
Electrical Current Alerts
- High Current: Brocade Switch electrical current is at a high level.
- Low Current: Brocade Switch electrical current is at a low level.
Electrical Voltage Alerts
- High Voltage: Brocade Switch electrical voltage is at a high level.
- Low Voltage: Brocade Switch electrical voltage is at a low level.
Signal Strength Alerts
- High RX: Brocade Switch RX signal is at a high level.
- Low RX: Brocade Switch RX signal is at a low level.
- High TX: Brocade Switch TX signal is at a high level.
- Low TX: Brocade Switch TX signal is at a low level.
Resource Usage Alerts
- High CPU Usage: Brocade Switch CPU usage is at a high level.
- High Flash Usage: Brocade Switch flash usage is at a high level.
- High Memory Usage: Brocade Switch memory usage is at a high level.