User Permissions and Connection Requirements
Category | Description |
User Permissions | The Management Pack requires the creation of a dedicated user with administrative privileges within your UptimeDC environment. |
Adapter to UptimeDC Server | Each adapter should be connected to a single UptimeDC Server for optimal performance and management. |
Cloud Proxy to UptimeDC Server | Ensure a stable connection between the selected Cloud Proxy and the UptimeDC Server using the HTTPS protocol on port 443 . |
Cloud Proxy to Registry | A reliable connection between the Cloud Proxy and is required, accessible via port 443 . |
Configure tracking attributes in UptimeDC
In Attributes Changed Tracker select the following attributes and save:
Core Amount
CPU Type
CPU Architecture
Custom Attribute 1
Custom Attribute 2
Custom Attribute 3
Custom Device Category
Custom Device Item
Custom Device Manufacturer
Custom Device Type
Device ID
End Of Maintenance Date
End Of Warranty Date
Floor Load Capacity
Floor Load Usage
Hardware Status
Heat Actual
Heat Rated
Installation Date
Inventory Number
Issued from Store By
Issued from Store Date
Load Capacity
Load Usage
Location Address
Manufacture Model Name
Model Description
Physical CPU Amount
Physical Position
Power Actual
Power Rated
Power Used
Power User Defined
Purchase Date
Raw Capacity
Received in Store By
Received in Store Date
Serial No
Service Agreement
Service Tag
Technical Contact Person
User Label
In Ralph Tracker select attributes and name them (column: Ralph Attribute) according to the following table:
Attribute | Ralph Attribute |
Administrator | administrator |
Agreement | agreement |
Air Flow | airFlow |
Category | category |
Cmdb ID | cmdbId |
Cmdb Status | cmdbStatus |
Core Amount | coreAmount |
CPU Architecture | cpuArchitecture |
CPU Type | cpuType |
Custom Attribute 1 | customAttribute1 |
Custom Attribute 2 | customAttribute2 |
Custom Attribute 3 | customAttribute3 |
Category | customCategory |
Item | customDeviceItem |
Type | customDeviceType |
Manufacturer | customManufacturer |
Device Height | deviceHeight |
Device ID | deviceId |
End Of Maintenance Date | endOfMaintenanceDate |
End Of Warranty Date | endOfWarrantyDate |
Environment | environment |
Floor Load Capacity | floorLoadCapacity |
Floor Load Usage | floorLoadUsage |
Hardware Status | hardwareStatus |
Heat Actual | heatActual |
Heat Rated | heatRated |
Humidity | humidity |
ID | id |
Installation Date | installationDate |
Inventory Number | inventoryNumber |
Issued From Store By | issuedFromStoreBy |
Issued From Store Date | issuedFromStoreDate |
Load Capacity | loadCapacity |
Load Usage | loadUsage |
Location Address | locationAddress |
Location By ID | locationById |
Location By Name | locationByName |
Manufacturer | manufacturer |
Manufacturer Model Name | manufacturerModelName |
Model | model |
Model Description | modelDescription |
Name | name |
Owner | owner |
Physical CPU Amount | physicalCpuAmount |
Physical Position | physicalPosition |
Power Actual | powerActual |
Power Rated | powerRated |
Power Used | powerUsed |
Power User Defined | powerUserDefined |
Purchase Date | purchaseDate |
Rack U Capacity | rackUCapacity |
RAM | ram |
Raw Capacity | rawCapacity |
Received In Store By | receivedInStoreBy |
Received In Store Date | receivedInStoreDate |
U Space Capacity | roomUSpaceCapacity |
Seral No | serialNo |
Service Agreement | serviceAgreement |
Service Tag | serviceTag |
Status | status |
Supplier | supplier |
Technical Contact Person | technicalContactPerson |
Temperature | temperature |
User Label | userLabel |
Installing Management Pack
Pre-pull adapter's container image
Adapter's container must be pre-pulled on cloud proxy instances.
- SSH as
to cloud-proxies belonging to the collector group where adapter is to be run. - Login to docker registry using
docker login
.- Use Harbor robot account designated for that deployment - provided by
- Use Harbor robot account designated for that deployment - provided by
- Pull container image using
docker pull <IMAGE NAME>
.- Image name can be found on release page for a given version of the management pack.
Install PAK file
- Download PAK file for version matching the pre-pulled adapter container image.
- PAK file can be found on release page for a given version of the management pack.
- Login to VMware Aria Operations and go to 'Data Sources > Integrations > Repository > Add' and upload the PAK file, selecting both:
Install the PAK file even if it is already installed
Ignore the PAK file signature checking
- Install the management pack.
Configure Adapter
- Go to Administration > Integrations > Repository
Use filter
on the right to putINDEVOPS
Click on
brick withUptimeDC
- Use button
- Fill the fields
Adapter fields
Field Name | Definition |
Name | A unique identifier or label for the adapter. |
Description | A brief description of the adapter's purpose or function. |
UptimeDC Server | Hostname or IP address of the UptimeDC Server. |
Credentials | Authentication details (username/password). |
Collector / Group | The collector or group managing data collection. Must be set to cloud proxy where the adapter's container image is pre-pulled. |
UptimeDC Server Port | The port used to connect to the UptimeDC Server. |
Skip TLS Certificate Validation (Insecure) | Flag to skip TLS/SSL certificate validation. Accepts true or false . |
Adapter Memory Limit (MB) | Maximum memory (in MB) the adapter can use. |
Log Level | Logging detail level: Debug for detailed logging, Normal for standard logs, Trace for extensive tracing. |