

Brocade Inventory

This dashboard provides a comprehensive view of devices integrated into Brocade Fabric network. It allows user to track detailed information about Brocade switches, including model, firmware version, CPU and memory usage, and operational status. The dashboard also includes lists of fabrics and switches, enabling easy monitoring of configuration and performance. User can also see the number of zones in the fabric, helping with network segmentation management. With filtering options, automatic updates, and clear widgets, the dashboard supports efficient management of Brocade infrastructure.

Brocade Inventory Dashboard

Brocade Zone

The 'Brocade Zone' provides detailed information about Zones organized by Fabrics, displaying their location and membership names. This allows users to quickly understand how different zones are structured within a given fabric. By using metric charts and lists, one can monitor zone activity, including member count and other important statistics. Customizable filters and visualizations offer an in-depth view of fabric management and zone relationships. The integration of different widgets, such as Metric Picker and Resource List, helps optimize data presentation for better analysis and management.

Brocade Zone Dashboard

Brocade Health

Access detailed insights about your Brocade Switch with an intuitive heatmap that highlights faulty devices for quick detection. Ideal for operators and administrators to easily identify alerts and monitor system health.

Brocade Health Dashboard

Custom Groups

The 'Brocade SAN Addon' includes several custom groups designed to categorize and manage various Brocade network components. These groups allow administrators to efficiently oversee and organize Brocade-related resources within VMware Aria Operations.

Custom Group NameDescription
Brocade ChassisContains all objects related to 'Brocade Chassis'
Brocade FabricContains objects of type 'Brocade Fabric'
Brocade SwitchesContains objects of type 'Brocade Switch'
Brocade WorldContains all Brocade-related objects, including 'Brocade Chassis', 'Brocade Fabric', and 'Brocade Switches'

Collected objects


In the 'Brocade SAN Addon', the relationships between objects define how different components of the Brocade SAN infrastructure are interconnected, providing insights into the SAN environment and its connections with VMware Aria Operations.

Relations between collected objects

The diagram begins with the 'Brocade Adapter Instance', which serves as the primary object for managing and monitoring the Brocade SAN components. The relationships then follow this structure:

  • The 'Brocade Adapter Instance' connects to both the 'Brocade Fabric' and the 'Brocade Chassis', signifying that the adapter instance is associated with both the fabric and the chassis components within the SAN.

  • The 'Brocade Fabric' and 'Brocade Chassis' each connect to the 'Brocade Switch', indicating that both the fabric and chassis are linked to the switch in the SAN infrastructure.

A second section within the diagram illustrates the interaction between VMware Aria Operations and the Brocade SAN infrastructure. This section contains the 'Host System' object from VMware Aria Operations. The relationship is as follows:

  • A relationship is established between the 'Host System' and the 'Brocade Switch' from the first section, reflecting how the virtualized host system interacts with the physical Brocade switch in the SAN setup.

This relationship diagram clearly outlines the dependencies between different Brocade SAN objects and VMware Aria Operations, providing a comprehensive view of the interconnected infrastructure.

Brocade Switch

Represents a Brocade switch within the SAN environment.

Data NameTypeDescription
NamePropertyThe unique name of the switch
User Friendly NamePropertyA more readable or descriptive name
Fabric OS versionPropertyVersion of the Fabric Operating System
Domain IDPropertyUnique identifier for the switch domain
Switch TypePropertyThe type or category of the switch
PrincipalPropertyIndicates if the switch is a principal switch
Ethernet IPv4PropertyIPv4 address for Ethernet connectivity
Ethernet IPv6PropertyIPv6 address for Ethernet connectivity
ModelPropertyThe model of the switch
ManufacturerPropertyThe switch manufacturer
Sequence numberPropertyManufacturer-assigned sequence number
TypePropertyGeneral type of the switch
Manufacturer PlantPropertyThe plant where the switch was manufactured
RND tagPropertyA unique RND (Random Number Data) identifier
Fibre Channel IDPropertyUnique ID for Fibre Channel
Fibre Channel ID HexPropertyHexadecimal representation of the Fibre ID
CPU usageMetricPercentage of CPU usage
Memory usageMetricPercentage of memory usage
Flash usageMetricPercentage of flash memory usage
Enabled StateMetricIndicates if the switch is enabled
Operational StatusMetricCurrent operational status of the switch
UpTimeMetricTime the switch has been operational
Port -> NamePropertyPort name
Port -> WWNPropertyWorld Wide Name of the port
Port -> Port IndexPropertyNumerical index of the port
Port -> TypePropertyType of the port
Port -> AuthenticationPropertyAuthentication status of the port
Port -> Is Enabled StatePropertyIndicates if the port is enabled
Port -> User Friendly NamePropertyDescriptive name for the port
Port -> Vendor NamePropertyName of the vendor for the port
Port -> Vendor OUIPropertyOrganizationally Unique Identifier of vendor
Port -> Vendor PNPropertyVendor part number for the port
Port -> Vendor RevisionPropertyVendor revision number
Port -> Serial NumberPropertySerial number of the port
Port -> Data CodePropertyData code for the port
Port -> Media Form FactorPropertyPhysical form factor of the port media
Port -> ConnectorPropertyType of connector used by the port
Port -> FC SpeedPropertyFibre Channel speed
Port -> DistancePropertyMaximum distance supported by the port
Port -> EncodingPropertyEncoding type for the port
Port -> SpeedPropertySpeed of the port
Port -> Device Port WWNPropertyWWN of the connected device
Port -> Port Symbolic NamePropertySymbolic name for the port
Port -> Node NamePropertyName of the connected node
Port -> Node Symbolic NamePropertySymbolic name for the node
Port -> Class Of ServicePropertyService class supported by the port
Port -> FC4 TypePropertyFibre Channel protocol type
Port -> FC4 FeaturesPropertyFeatures of the FC4 protocol
Port -> Device Port TypePropertyType of device connected to the port
Port -> Device TypePropertyType of connected device
Port -> Link SpeedPropertySpeed of the link
Port -> VoltageMetricVoltage level at the port
Port -> CurrentMetricCurrent level at the port
Port -> Wave LengthMetricWavelength of the signal
Port -> TemperatureMetricTemperature at the port
Port -> TX PowerMetricTransmitted power level
Port -> RX PowerMetricReceived power level
Port -> Power On TimeMetricTime the port has been powered on
Port -> Max SpeedMetricMaximum supported speed of the port
Port -> Operational StatusMetricCurrent operational status of the port
Fan -> Unit numberPropertyUnit number of the fan
Fan -> Operational statePropertyCurrent operational state of the fan
Fan -> Air flow directionPropertyDirection of airflow
Fan -> Part numberPropertyPart number of the fan
Fan -> Serial numberPropertySerial number of the fan
Fan -> Time aliveMetricTotal operational time
Fan -> Time awakeMetricTotal time the fan has been active
Fan -> Power consumptionMetricPower usage by the fan
Fan -> SpeedMetricSpeed of the fan
Power Supply -> Unit numberPropertyUnit number of the power supply
Power Supply -> Air flow directionPropertyDirection of airflow for the power supply
Power Supply -> Power sourcePropertyPower source type
Power Supply -> Operational statePropertyOperational state of the power supply
Power Supply -> Temperature sensor supportedPropertyIndicates if temp sensors are supported
Power Supply -> Part numberPropertyPart number of the power supply
Power Supply -> Serial numberPropertySerial number of the power supply
Power Supply -> Time aliveMetricTotal operational time
Power Supply -> Time awakeMetricTotal time active
Power Supply -> Power productionMetricPower generated
Power Supply -> Input voltageMetricInput voltage level
Power Supply -> TemperatureMetricTemperature of the power supply
Power Supply -> Power usageMetricPower consumed
Sensor -> Slot NumberPropertySlot number of the sensor
Sensor -> IndexPropertyIndex number of the sensor
Sensor -> StatePropertyCurrent state of the sensor
Sensor -> CategoryPropertyCategory/type of sensor
Sensor -> TemperatureMetricTemperature measured by the sensor

Brocade Chassis

Represents a Brocade chassis within the SAN environment.

Data NameTypeDescription
User Friendly NamePropertyUser-friendly name of the chassis
Chassis WWNPropertyWorld Wide Name of the chassis
License IDPropertyLicense identifier for the chassis
Serial NumberPropertySerial number of the chassis
ManufacturerPropertyManufacturer of the chassis
Part NumberPropertyPart number of the chassis
Supplier Serial NumberPropertySupplier's serial number for the chassis
Supplier Revision NumberPropertySupplier's revision number for the chassis
Supplier Part NumberPropertySupplier's part number for the chassis
Product NamePropertyProduct name associated with the chassis

Brocade Fabric

Represents a Brocade fabric within the SAN environment.

Data NameTypeDescription
Member CountMetricNumber of members in the fabric
NamePropertyName of the fabric
Members -> NamePropertyName of the fabric members
Zone -> Zone configuration namePropertyZone configuration name in the fabric
Zone -> Member CountPropertyMember count of the fabric
Zone -> Members -> NamePropertyZone member name


The following alerts are defined by the addon, providing real-time monitoring and insights into the health of Brocade Switch elements:

Temperature Alerts

  • High Temperature: Brocade Switch element's temperature is at a high level.
  • Low Temperature: Brocade Switch element's temperature is at a low level.

Electrical Current Alerts

  • High Current: Brocade Switch electrical current is at a high level.
  • Low Current: Brocade Switch electrical current is at a low level.

Electrical Voltage Alerts

  • High Voltage: Brocade Switch electrical voltage is at a high level.
  • Low Voltage: Brocade Switch electrical voltage is at a low level.

Signal Strength Alerts

  • High RX: Brocade Switch RX signal is at a high level.
  • Low RX: Brocade Switch RX signal is at a low level.
  • High TX: Brocade Switch TX signal is at a high level.
  • Low TX: Brocade Switch TX signal is at a low level.

Resource Usage Alerts

  • High CPU Usage: Brocade Switch CPU usage is at a high level.
  • High Flash Usage: Brocade Switch flash usage is at a high level.
  • High Memory Usage: Brocade Switch memory usage is at a high level.