
Collected objects


Diagram illustrating the connections between objects, referred to as relationships.

Relations between collected objects

In the 'Juniper Junos Space Addon' the relationships between objects play a crucial role in structuring and managing network infrastructure data. These relationships define how nodes, devices, and ports are interconnected, providing a clear and organized view of the system's hierarchy and its components.

The relationship diagram illustrates a hierarchy that follows this structure:

  • The Node represents the top-level object, serving as the central entity in the hierarchy. It may correspond to a physical or logical group within the network infrastructure.
  • The Device is directly connected to the Node, representing the hardware or network element being managed within the system.
  • From the Device, the hierarchy further extends to the Port, which represents the specific interfaces or connection points on the device.

This hierarchical structure ensures a clear mapping of network relationships, enabling efficient management of nodes, devices, and their respective ports within the 'Juniper Junos Space Addon' environment.

Juniper Node

Represents a network node within the Junos Space environment.

Data NameTypeDescription
CPU usageMetricCPU usage of the node
Database statusMetricDatabase status where 1=UP, 0=DOWN, -1=UNKNOWN
node IDMetricUnique identifier for the node
Memory usageMetricMemory usage of the node
StatusMetricOperational status of the node where 1=UP, 0=DOWN, -1=UNKNOWN
StorageMetricStorage usage of the node
SWAP usageMetricSWAP memory usage of the node
Last boot timePropertyLast boot time of the node
Last monitored timePropertyLast time the node was monitored
Management IP V4PropertyManagement IPv4 address of the node
NamePropertyUser-friendly name of the node
Node NamePropertyTechnical name of the node

Juniper Device

Represents a managed device within the Junos Space environment.

Data NameTypeDescription
Configuration StatusMetricConfiguration status of the device where 1=In sync, 0=Out of sync, -1=UNKNOWN
Connection StatusMetricConnection status of the device where 1=UP, 0=DOWN, -1=UNKNOWN
CPUMetricCPU usage of the device
Last rebooted timeMetricLast reboot time of the device
Management StatusMetricManagement status of the device where 1=IN SYNC, 0=OUT OF SYNC, -1=UNKNOWN
Memory usageMetricPercentage of memory usage of the device
Storage usageMetricPercentage of storage usage of the device
Authentication StatusPropertyAuthentication status of the device
Connection TypePropertyType of connection used by the device
Device TypePropertyType/category of the device
Device-IDPropertyUnique identifier for the device
Device-IPPropertyIP address of the device
Display NamePropertyUser-friendly display name of the device
Matching SchemaPropertySchema used to match the device configuration
NamePropertyName of the device
PlatformPropertyPlatform or operating system of the device

Juniper Port

Represents a network port on a device within the Junos Space environment.

Data NameTypeDescription
Admin statusMetricAdministrative status of the device where 1=UP, 0=DOWN, -1=UNKNOWN
MtuMetricMaximum Transmission Unit size
Operation statusMetricOperational status of the device where 1=UP, 0=DOWN, -1=UNKNOWN
SpeedMetricSpeed of the device's connection
NamePropertyName of the device
Port IDPropertyIdentifier for the device's port


The following alerts are defined by the Junos Space Management Pack, offering comprehensive real-time monitoring and insights into the health, performance, and status of Junos Space elements. These alerts are designed to notify administrators of potential issues, helping ensure the network operates smoothly and minimizing downtime.

CPU Utilization Alerts

Warning Level:

  • Symptom: Junos Space device CPU utilization is at a warning level.
  • Metric: CPU > 70%.

Critical Level:

  • Symptom: Junos Space device CPU utilization is at a critical level.
  • Metric: CPU > 80%.

Memory Utilization Alerts

Warning Level:

  • Symptom: Junos Space device memory utilization is at a warning level.
  • Metric: Memory > 70%.

Critical Level:

  • Symptom: Junos Space device memory utilization is at a critical level.
  • Metric: Memory > 80%.

Storage Utilization Alerts

Warning Level:

  • Symptom: Junos Space device storage utilization is at a warning level.
  • Metric: Storage > 70%.

Critical Level:

  • Symptom: Junos Space device storage utilization is at a critical level.
  • Metric: Storage > 80%.

Port Operation Status Alerts

Critical Level:

  • Symptom: One or more ports experience an operation status problem.
    • Admin Status: Up.
    • Operation Status: Not equal to Up.